I've been telling and writing stories since I was a young girl. My earliest memory of storytelling is when I used to write plays and cast my neighborhood playmates to play the parts. In recent years, I've taught storytelling and performed stories for Mid-South, a group of homeschoolers I was associated with. I've been a member of ASE since approximately 2002, so that has afforded me the opportunity to perform at a number of the organization's concerts and programs. Although lately, I've been more involved behind the scenes where I video record and stream the performances of other tellers.
Any place or organization where the people are old enough to watch Sesame Street and young enough to listen without falling asleep...and everybody in between.
Fluid stories or pop-up stories participants can create on the spot with a little help from me. So I may present a folktale and solicit the audience to help develop and finish it. Lately, it's been important for my stories to have a social message.
Special programs that are developed to help participants learn a lesson, a message, or a skill.
Story talks that acquaint or familiarize participants with what they can gain by using storytelling in their workplaces, parenting, or networking endeavors.
Pre K-K, K-5, 6-8, 9-12, Teens, Adults